Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Answer to the Question YOU Wanted to Know

I can explain everything.  I decided to do this to let go of the stress that I have/had.... the wanting to scream and not have anyone look at me funny or judge me.  I need to let go and thats the whole purpose of this blog thing!
So let me answer a few questions....
Am I okay?: 
Define okay.....

Am I okay sitting here typing this?  Yes, right at this moment I am okay.

Am I okay sitting here typing right at this moment in bed?  Well yes.... and no but more yes... the living room has been over taken by some war movie and although I said that I want to come out of hiding more my idea of that does not include me sitting on the couch typing this.....I would rather not hear gun shots and a some random dude go ugggghhhhh and splat.....

Am I okay with my skin? well no.... i am not happy with me on the outer part because I know that I have done to myself to get here.  I never used drugs, but I feel like being out of touch with people the way that I am is just as bad.  I have already admitted something is changing, but something will change soon because in july we are going cruising!

Am I okay as a wife? well that would be a no too... i know that my husband does so much for me and our family that I feel like I might not appreciate him much.... I'm sure he might feel the same way, about me not appreciating him much.  I guess just saying "I Love You" might not be enough... it shouldn't be for anyone.  I will try to work on this.. I love my husband to the moon and back and he's gotta love me... if not he would have left by now.

Am I okay as a mom? I think that i get a yes... then no.... then yes.... then... well i know that i wont win mother of the year this year.... or next.... but I do know that our daughter has everything that she wants.  She is very respectful to others and listens well.. she has been through so much and still laughs.  I might need to start taking lessons from her.... however i might win "mom of the day" she got her birthday present early.  Mr. Prickles the hedgehog is resting nice and warm in his new cage.

Am I okay as a employee?  I think so.  I mean i try to be successful on everything.  I work hard and give everything to be a good employee.  I give my work 100% of the time that I am there.... and 75% of my time when I am not there.

Am I okay as a daughter, sister, friend?  I think so.  I am a peace maker.  I try to keep peace with my family.  It's kinda like the mafia... no one gets in.... no one gets out....
once youre in (if you get in) youre in for life...

So define your definition of okay...

1 comment:

  1. You're an amazing sister. No matter what you are MY sister. I love your face.
