Tuesday, January 27, 2015

the beginning

You know sometimes there are things that you want to say but you can't seem to get it off your chest? I think that I am in that rut right now.  I used to write all the time that would express my emotions well but I stopped.  I don't know why I stopped but I did.  So, here I am in my rut.  Not sure how I feel and hoping that this will make me feel so much better.  You know that hashtag "the struggle is real"?  That's me right...at...this...very...moment.
I am not doing this to be judged, or a poor me type thing.  I am doing this because I think this is the best way to go about my emotions.  So please no random text or phone calls asking me if I am alright because I am, just know that I am person of many "peaks" and "valleys". There will be peak days...woohoo... Then there will be valley days..... Boo, but in the end it's just emotions right?  Emotions is something people gotta learn how to control, and I am the biggest fraud of that.....that's the one thing I can't seem to control.
So on that note, all you grammar police and you puncation judges I am not here to fill you up with ammo to shoot at me....so right now......at this very rutty moment we will make a deal... No judges on use of grammar and punctuation, and I will spell everything correctly.  That deal is to ensure that people won't bring me down past my lowest point (if I get there).
I don't know what I will write about.... This will be a whole bunch of everything and sometimes a bunch of nothing....  So keep in mind that it's not your mamas blog.... It's mine and it will be scattered.
So as I listen to my husband snore, and the dog laying right in the place that my legs lay, I will wish you all a good night...I am going to try this sleep thing out....I hear it's overrated anyways



  1. Love you, Melissa! This is well written an well thought out. I won't even say anything about the one word you misspelled. 8-)

  2. Where's the subscription button?

  3. I know the one misspelled word is punctuation

  4. It's on the main page (view as desktop site)
